Results for 'Fabio Ramírez Muñoz'

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  1. Aristóteles: la felicidad (eudaimonía) como fin de fines.S. J. Fabio Ramírez Muñoz - 2002 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 26:213-223.
    El objeto de este artículo es tratar el tema del fin último o felicidad en la ética de Aritótles, y específicamente en la Ética a Nicómaco, pero distinguiéndolo en tres temas que no deben confundirse: el fin de la política como disciplina arquitectónica, el fin de la vida humana buena y la felicidad. Aunque estos dos fines y la felicidad, según Aristóteles, son lo mismo, podría decirse, usando una expresión muy suya, que “su esencia no es lo misma”. El tratamiento (...)
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  2. Aristóteles: la felicidad (eudaimonía) como fin de fines.Fabio Ramírez Muñoz - 2002 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 26:213-224.
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    ¿Cómo se puede leer la Metafísica de Aristóteles?Fabio Ramírez Muñoz - 2001 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 23:121-130.
    El texto de este artículo pretende, en la primera parte, dar cuenta de algunos sucesos históricos que han acompañado el trasegar de la obra de Aristóteles, reseñando las interpretaciones, supuestos y malentendidos generados a partir del nombre: Metafísica. Posteriormente, se señalan algunos puntos fundamentales sobre la interpretación histórica de la obra aristotélica, así como los abanderados de tales giros interpretativos. Por último, el autor sugiere, respetuosa y comedidamente, una guía para la lectura de la Metafísica, determinando lo que sería el (...)
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  4. Phrase-Level Modeling of Expression in Violin Performances.Fábio J. M. Ortega, Sergio I. Giraldo, Alfonso Perez & Rafael Ramírez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  5. Aristóteles: la felicidad (eudaimanía) como fin de fines.Fabio Ramírez Muñoz Sj - 2002 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 26:213-223.
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    Es necesario filosofar: el Protréptico de Aristóteles.Fabio Ramirez - 1998 - Universitas Philosophica 31:145-154.
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    Post-activation Potentiation: Effects of Different Conditioning Intensities on Measures of Physical Fitness in Male Young Professional Soccer Players.Cristina Petisco, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Daniel Hernández, Oliver Gonzalo-Skok, Fabio Y. Nakamura & Javier Sanchez-Sanchez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Bogency and Goodacies: On Argument Quality in Virtue Argumentation Theory.Fabio Paglieri - 2015 - Informal Logic 35 (4):65-87.
    Virtue argumentation theory has been charged of being incomplete, given its alleged inability to account for argument cogency in virtue-theoretical terms. Instead of defending VAT against that challenge, I suggest it is misplaced, since it is based on a premise VAT does not endorse, and raises an issue that most versions of VAT need not consider problematic. This in turn allows distinguishing several varieties of VAT, and clarifying what really matters for them.
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  9. (1 other version)Artifacts and affordances: from designed properties to possibilities for action.Fabio Tollon - 2021 - AI and Society 2:1-10.
    In this paper I critically evaluate the value neutrality thesis regarding technology, and find it wanting. I then introduce the various ways in which artifacts can come to influence moral value, and our evaluation of moral situations and actions. Here, following van de Poel and Kroes, I introduce the idea of value sensitive design. Specifically, I show how by virtue of their designed properties, artifacts may come to embody values. Such accounts, however, have several shortcomings. In agreement with Michael Klenk, (...)
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  10. Enthymematic parsimony.Fabio Paglieri & John Woods - 2011 - Synthese 178 (3):461 - 501.
    Enthymemes are traditionally defined as arguments in which some elements are left unstated. It is an empirical fact that enthymemes are both enormously frequent and appropriately understood in everyday argumentation. Why is it so? We outline an answer that dispenses with the so called "principle of charity", which is the standard notion underlying most works on enthymemes. In contrast, we suggest that a different force drives enthymematic argumentation—namely, parsimony, i.e. the tendency to optimize resource consumption, in light of the agent's (...)
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  11.  91
    What can we hold against populism?Fabio Wolkenstein - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (2):111-129.
    Populist movements have become key players in European politics. These movements are readily criticized by journalists or political rivals, yet none of the common objections to populism seems to arrest their success. This article turns to normative political theory to cultivate sensitivity to problems arising from some existing arguments against populism, and to explore possible alternatives. It offers a critical reading of prototypical liberal and conservative arguments against populism, and proposes that the principles of solidarity and procedure provide good grounds (...)
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  12.  57
    Agents of Popular Sovereignty.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (3):338-362.
    Popular sovereignty requires that citizens perceive themselves as being able to act and implement decisions, and that they are de facto causally connected to mechanisms of decision making. I argue that the two most common understandings of the exercise of popular sovereignty—which center on direct decision making by the people as a whole and the indirect exercise of democratic agency by elected representatives, respectively—are inadequate in this respect, and go on to suggest a complementary account that stresses the central role (...)
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  13.  83
    Revisiting the constructivist turn in political representation.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):277-287.
    In recent times, representation theory has become one of the most productive and interesting sub-fields in democratic theory. Arguably, the most important theoretical innovation are the so-called ‘constructivist’ approaches to political representation. These approaches play a central role in Creating Political Presence: The New Politics of Democratic Representation and The Constructivist Turn in Political Representation, two impressive volumes that take stock of the state of the art in representation theory. I discuss the two volumes by focusing on three broader and (...)
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  14. Wierenga on theism and counterpossibles.Fabio Lampert - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (3):693-707.
    Several theists, including Linda Zagzebski, have claimed that theism is somehow committed to nonvacuism about counterpossibles. Even though Zagzebski herself has rejected vacuism, she has offered an argument in favour of it, which Edward Wierenga has defended as providing strong support for vacuism that is independent of the orthodox semantics for counterfactuals, mainly developed by David Lewis and Robert Stalnaker. In this paper I show that argument to be sound only relative to the orthodox semantics, which entails vacuism, and give (...)
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    (1 other version)Populism, liberal democracy and the ethics of peoplehood.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (3):147488511667790.
    Populism is widely thought to be in tension with liberal democracy. This article clarifies what exactly is problematic about populism from a liberal–democratic point of view and goes on to develop...
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    The unwitting labourer: extracting humanness in AI training.Fabio Morreale, Elham Bahmanteymouri, Brent Burmester, Andrew Chen & Michelle Thorp - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2389-2399.
    Many modern digital products use Machine Learning (ML) to emulate human abilities, knowledge, and intellect. In order to achieve this goal, ML systems need the greatest possible quantity of training data to allow the Artificial Intelligence (AI) model to develop an understanding of “what it means to be human”. We propose that the processes by which companies collect this data are problematic, because they entail extractive practices that resemble labour exploitation. The article presents four case studies in which unwitting individuals (...)
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  17. Events, Topology and Temporal Relations.Fabio Pianesi & Achille C. Varzi - 1996 - The Monist 79 (1):89--116.
    We are used to regarding actions and other events, such as Brutus’ stabbing of Caesar or the sinking of the Titanic, as occupying intervals of some underlying linearly ordered temporal dimension. This attitude is so natural and compelling that one is tempted to disregard the obvious difference between time periods and actual happenings in favor of the former: events become mere “intervals cum description”.1 On the other hand, in ordinary circumstances the point of talking about time is to talk about (...)
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  18. Race, again: how face recognition technology reinforces racial discrimination.Fabio Bacchini & Ludovica Lorusso - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (3):321-335.
    Purpose This study aims to explore whether face recognition technology – as it is intensely used by state and local police departments and law enforcement agencies – is racism free or, on the contrary, is affected by racial biases and/or racist prejudices, thus reinforcing overall racial discrimination. Design/methodology/approach The study investigates the causal pathways through which face recognition technology may reinforce the racial disproportion in enforcement; it also inquires whether it further discriminates black people by making them experience more racial (...)
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  19. Ley y sindéresis en santo Tomas de Aquino.Fabio Morandín - 2015 - Stoa 6 (11):43-60.
    En este artículo se plantean algunas consideraciones clásicas que santo Tomás de Aquino formuló sobre la fundamentación de la ley como producto de la razón y su relación con las leyes de los hombres. Se analiza el papel de la sindéresis como vínculo del individuo con la ius naturae y se concluye que la vida buena tiene un referente en el “estado de derecho” y en la práctica sistemática de las virtudes morales.
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  20.  63
    Consciousness in Interaction: The role of the natural and social context in shaping consciousness.Fabio Paglieri (ed.) - 2012 - John Benjamins Publishing.
    Modes of action readiness Acceptance accepting presence or interaction Non- acceptance not accepting presence or interaction Attending acquiring information Disinterest not acquiring information Affiliate achieving or accepting close ...
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    The Effectiveness of a New School-Based Media Literacy Intervention on Adolescents’ Doping Attitudes and Supplements Use.Fabio Lucidi, Luca Mallia, Fabio Alivernini, Andrea Chirico, Sara Manganelli, Federica Galli, Valeria Biasi & Arnaldo Zelli - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a media literacy intervention targeting, for the first time, the specific topic of Performance and Appearance Enhancing Substances use in high-school students. Overall, 389 students aged between 13 and 19 years participated to a media literacy intervention while 103 students aged between 14 and 19 year were considered as the control group. In two separate occasions over the course of six consecutive months, students in both groups filled out a (...)
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  22.  50
    Ruinous Arguments: Escalation of disagreement and the dangers of arguing.Fabio Paglieri - unknown
    People argue to reconcile differences of opinion, but reconciliation may fail to happen. In these cases, most theorists assume arguers are left with the same disagreement from which they started. This is too optimistic, since disagreement might instead escalate, and this may happen because of the argumentative practice, not in spite of it. These dangers depend on epistemological, pragmatic, and cultural factors, and show why arguers should be careful in picking their dialogical fights.
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  23. Analogical Arguments in Ethics and Law: A Defence of Deductivism.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2013 - Informal Logic 33 (3):406-437.
    The paper provides a qualified defence of Bruce Waller’s deductivist schema for a priori analogical arguments in ethics and law. One crucial qualification is that the schema represents analogical arguments as complexes composed of one deductive inference but also of one non-deductive subargument. Another important qualification is that the schema is informed by normative assumptions regarding the conditions that an analogical argument must satisfy in order for it to count as an optimal instance of its kind. Waller’s schema is defended (...)
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  24.  27
    The Ethics of Imitation in Meat Alternatives.Fabio Bacchini & Elena Bossini - 2023 - Food Ethics 8 (2):1-21.
    The consumption of traditional meat is currently being challenged by the rise of meat alternatives claimed to be more beneficial for the environment and non-human animals. One of the peculiarities of these products lies in their attempt to replace meat through the close imitation of its sensory qualities, which poses relevant philosophical questions: What are the purported reasons that motivate this imitation, instead of the promotion of different but sustainable foods that break with the imagery of meat eating? And, if (...)
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  25.  48
    Counterfactuals, Models, and Scientific Realism.Fabio Sterpetti - 2024 - In Emiliano Ippoliti, Lorenzo Magnani & Selene Arfini, Model-Based Reasoning, Abductive Cognition, Creativity. Cham: Springer. pp. 89-116.
    Counterfactuals abound in science, especially when one deals with models. Some models, namely highly idealized models, have assumptions that are metaphysically impossible. This means that in science one has often to deal with counterpossibles. According to the standard semantics for counterfactuals, all counterpossibles are vacuously true. But scientific practice shows that counterpossibles are not always regarded as vacuously true by scientists. To do justice of the use of counterpossibles in science, some authors think that we should adopt a semantics that (...)
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  26. The Logic of the Trinity and the Filioque Question in Thomas Aquinas: A Formal Approach.Fábio Bertato - 2020 - In R. S. Silvestre, Beyond Faith and Rationality. Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures, vol 34. Springer, Cham. pp. 137-151.
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    Reflections on Plagiarism.Fabio Paglieri - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):1-5.
    The FactsIt has recently come to light that an article published on this journal in 2007, “On the illuminationist approach to imaginal power: outline of a perspective”, by Mahmoud Khatami, Topoi, 26, 221–229, extensively plagiarized parts of Mikel Dufrenne’s book The phenomenology of aesthetic experience . Entire passages from Sect. 4 of Khatami’s article turned out to be copied from chapter 11 of Dufrenne’s monograph, which was not even included in the list of references. This case of plagiarism first surfaced (...)
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    On the lattice of extensions of the modal logics KAltn.Fabio Bellissima - 1988 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 27 (2):107-114.
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    Don’t worry, be gappy! On the unproblematic gappiness of alleged fallacies.Fabio Paglieri - unknown
    The history of fallacy theory is long, distinguished and, admittedly, checkered. I offer a bird eye view on it, with the aim of contrasting the standard conception of fallacies as attractive and universal errors that are hard to eradicate with the contemporary preoccupation with “non-fallacious fallacies”, that is, arguments that fit the bill of one of the traditional fallacies but are actually respectable enough to be used in appropriate contexts. Godden and Zenker have recently argued that reinterpreting alleged fallacies as (...)
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    Complexity of a modelling exercise: A discussion of the role of computer simulation in complex system science.Fabio Boschetti, David McDonald & Randall Gray - 2008 - Complexity 13 (6):21-28.
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    Do Unbedingte de Kant ao Wille de Schopenhauer: Da ausência de uma condição formal à falta de razão suficiente.Fabio Ciracì - 2018 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 30 (49).
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  32. Parfitians as Exdurantists.Fabio Patrone - 2017 - Axiomathes (6):1-9.
    Derek Parfit’s thesis that identity doesn’t matter in survival has been extensively discussed except for its metaphysical robustness. How can we justify the abandonment of identity in the way Parfit suggests? My argument is the following. Those who want to endorse the thesis that identity doesn’t matter (and, therefore, abandon identity across time) should adopt exdurantism, i.e. a metaphysics according to which the world is composed by temporal parts each existing at a time and according to which there is nothing (...)
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    Os arquivos do Serviço Nacional de Informações (PR) sobre a esquerda católica no interior paranaense (1975-1985).Fábio Lanza & Otávio Paes Ramiro - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (69):226805-226805.
    O presente artigo trata da esquerda católica paranaense a partir do arquivo de documentos do Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI-PR), da agência de Curitiba. O objetivo geral foi compreender criticamente, servindo-se da perspectiva de Otto Maduro, as expressões político-ideológicas descritas, anexadas e julgadas nos relatórios dos agentes do SNI-PR sobre a esquerda católica do interior do Paraná, no período de abertura política da ditadura militar. Por meio da pesquisa documental qualitativa de tipo exploratória, composta pelos diferentes registros dos agentes do (...)
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    Enfermedad y literatura: una perspectiva desde Kierkegaard y Kafka.Fabio Bartoli - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 35:122-146.
    Resumen En este artículo se reflexiona sobre la relación entre literatura y enfermedad, concentrando la atención en la perspectiva de Kierkegaard y de Kafka. Después de analizar la postura kierkegaardiana se pasa a la kafkiana y, finalmente, se comparan los resultados obtenidos. De este modo, se pueden apreciar las diferencias entre los dos planteamientos y, sucesivamente, utilizar los elementos en común para esbozar unas características interesantes sobre la relación entre literatura y enfermedad en los siglos XIX y XX en el (...)
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    Technology and the Situationist Challenge to Virtue Ethics.Fabio Tollon - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (2):1-17.
    In this paper, I introduce a “promises and perils” framework for understanding the “soft” impacts of emerging technology, and argue for a eudaimonic conception of well-being. This eudaimonic conception of well-being, however, presupposes that we have something like stable character traits. I therefore defend this view from the “situationist challenge” and show that instead of viewing this challenge as a threat to well-being, we can incorporate it into how we think about living well with technology. Human beings are susceptible to (...)
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    Is Nanotechnology Giving Rise to New Ethical Problems?Fabio Bacchini - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (2):107-119.
    In this paper I focus on the question of whether nanotechnology is giving rise to new ethical problems rather than merely to new instances of old ethical problems. Firstly, I demonstrate how important it is to make a general distinction between new ethical problems and new instances of old problems. Secondly, I propose one possible way of interpreting the distinction and offer a definition of a “new ethical problem”. Thirdly, I examine whether there is good reason to claim that nanotechnology (...)
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    Atoms in Modal Algebras.Fabio Bellissima - 1984 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 30 (19-24):303-312.
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    Arte como experiencia. Pasado y presente.Fabio Campeotto & Claudio Marcelo Viale - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70 (175):117-138.
    Resumen Art as Experience de J. Dewey es una obra clave para quienes se encuentran interesados en la estética. En este artículo nos proponemos mostrar que una mirada contemporánea que rescate los mejores aspectos de este libro debe, necesariamente, relacionar la estética con algunos aspectos de su pedagogía y su filosofía de la educación.Dewey’s Art as Experience is an indispensable work for people interested in aesthetics. Our purpose in this article is to show that a contemporary reading that rescues the (...)
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    Playing by and with the rules: Norms and morality in play development.Fabio Paglieri - 2005 - Topoi 24 (2):149-167.
    This article, Piaget’s theory of moral development in play behaviour is critically reviewed and framed within the philosophical debate on morality. On this basis, an alternative socio-cognitive model for describing normative evolution in play development is proposed. Special attention is paid to the transition from children’s play to adult games, for the purpose of demonstrating that some relevant features of morality stagnate, rather than progress, during such transition. Finally, some speculations are offered on the connection between moral involution in play (...)
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    Le matérialisme politique de Louis Althusser.Fabio Bruschi - 2020 - [Paris]: Mimesis.
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    Um Argumento a Favor da Existência de Deus Formulado por Pierre Duhem.Fábio Rodrigo Leite - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (4):33-58.
    RESUMO: O objetivo deste artigo é examinar o que entendemos ser uma prova original da existência de Deus na obra de Pierre Duhem. Cremos que a originalidade dessa prova consiste especialmente nas premissas usadas pelo filósofo. Quanto à forma, a mesma assemelha-se ao conhecido argumento do desígnio, mas a sua versão se caracteriza por buscar na história das teorias físicas a matéria da qual a existência de uma Providência é derivada. É a complexa evolução das teorias e, a despeito dela, (...)
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    On Keeping Things as Books.Fabio Morabito, Kate van Orden, Deidre Shauna Lynch, Tom Stammers & Erin Johnson-Williams - 2025 - Critical Inquiry 51 (2):365-396.
    Music, literature, history. These things are not quite alike. But in Europe, before the advent of recording machines that made it possible for sounds to be recorded and played back, the three activities relied on the same technology of preservation. They were kept in/as books. Bookishness, in European and colonial imaginaries, was an often-idealized, powerful means of keeping things from slipping away. An understanding of bookish things as a repository can be evinced in laws that required preserving a copy of (...)
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  43. The Logic of Sequence Frames.Fabio Lampert - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (1):101-132.
    This paper investigates and develops generalizations of two-dimensional modal logics to any finite dimension. These logics are natural extensions of multidimensional systems known from the literature on logics for a priori knowledge. We prove a completeness theorem for propositional n-dimensional modal logics and show them to be decidable by means of a systematic tableau construction.
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  44. Mathematical Knowledge and Naturalism.Fabio Sterpetti - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (1):225-247.
    How should one conceive of the method of mathematics, if one takes a naturalist stance? Mathematical knowledge is regarded as the paradigm of certain knowledge, since mathematics is based on the axiomatic method. Natural science is deeply mathematized, and science is crucial for any naturalist perspective. But mathematics seems to provide a counterexample both to methodological and ontological naturalism. To face this problem, some naturalists try to naturalize mathematics relying on Darwinism. But several difficulties arise when one tries to naturalize (...)
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    Benedetto Croce and Italian Fascism.Fabio Rizi - 2003 - University of Toronto Press.
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    Barnes’ influence on John Dewey’s Aesthetics: a preliminary approach.Fabio Campeotto & Claudio Marcelo Viale - 2019 - Cognitio 19 (2):227-241.
    No interior do pensamento de Dewey, a gênese da estética merece mais atenção do que lhe é dada na literatura. Um aspecto, em especial, tem sido virtualmente negligenciado — com as notáveis exceções de Robins 2015, Ueno 2016, Hein 2017 e Granger 2018a e 2018b — a saber, os vínculos com Albert Coombs Barnes. Nossa hipótese é que Barnes desempenhou um papel relevante na “virada estética” da filosofia madura de Dewey. Neste artigo, nós tomamos um primeiro passo rumo ao esclarecimento (...)
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    Argumentation, decision and rationality.Fabio Paglieri - unknown
    From a decision theoretic perspective, arguments stem from decisions made by arguers. Despite some promising results, this approach remains underdeveloped in argumentation theories, mostly because it is assumed to be merely descriptive. This assumption is mistaken: considering arguments as the product of decisions brings into play various normative models of rational choice. The challenge is rather to reconcile strategic rationality with other normative constraints relevant for argumentation, such as inferential validity and dialectical appropriateness.
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  48. Mentalidad hispanoamericana: Samuel Ramos ante la construcción del concepto situado de hombre.Fabio Morandín - 2015 - Stoa 6 (12):3-32.
    The main theme of this work is rescue the Samuel Ramos proposal for a philosophical anthropology from his new humanism. Two main issues discussed: the dichotomy material-spiritual world; and the sense of complexity that resizes the man as ideal being or identity in response to the Kantian question: Was ist der Mensch?
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    Dealing with Judicial Rhetoric: A Defence of Hartian Positivism.Fábio Shecaira - 2012 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 37.
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  50. El valor de la pregunta hermenéutica en Hans-Georg Gadamer.Fabio Morandín - 2016 - Revista de Educación y Desarrollo 39:99-107.
    In the present work is addressed three defining aspects of the question hermeneutics as didactic and condition to generate a shared horizon of meaning. In the first place the dialog between the text, author and reader. Second, the opening of the horizon of meaning through the question and its radical ontological. Third, the role of tradition in the construction of rational discourse and breaking through a language polysemic. Finally, we conclude that the dialog that opens horizon and shared sense is (...)
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